Guiding Toward Nursing Accreditation Excellence

Our Nursing Accreditation Principles illuminate the way, establishing the benchmark for institutions, accreditation bodies, and policymakers in the field of nursing to adhere to. Rooted in these principles, our mission revolves around the perpetual enhancement of education quality, the empowerment of nursing learners, and the transformation of the future of nursing education on a global scale.

Recognition Policy Procedures

Nursing Excellence and Student Achievement

Our first criterion underscores the paramount significance of nursing quality and student success, ensuring that accredited nursing institutions and programs uphold rigorous academic and clinical standards.

Ethical Responsibility and Openness

The second criterion highlights our commitment to ethical responsibility and transparency within the nursing domain. It demands that nursing institutions and programs are held accountable for their performance, and all accreditation processes are conducted with the utmost openness and integrity.

Organizational Framework and Effectiveness

Our third criterion centers on the organizational structure and effectiveness of nursing accreditation bodies, guaranteeing that these organizations have a solid foundation for the successful implementation of quality assurance practices in nursing education.

Global Competence and Compliance

For accrediting bodies engaged in international nursing accreditation, our fourth criterion ensures that they possess the necessary capacity and compliance measures to meet and maintain global nursing education standards.